Last year I started doing two things that helped me to increase my word count and achieve my writing goals a little more easily. Both are quite simple. They may work for you ... or they may not.
First, I wrote the following sentence on a piece of paper and put it on my keyboard each night, so that I saw it first thing in the morning.
"Take a few minutes at the beginning of each day to set goals."
Each morning I sat down and read that sentence and thought about my goal--"Today I am going to write 1500 words"--and set it firmly in my mind.
(I know, 500 extra words per day doesn't sound like a lot--but it adds up! A 90 000 word first draft takes 60 days, instead of 90--that's a whole month less!)
Second, because 1500 words is a daunting amount for me and can easily drag out over eight or more hours, I wrote down my goal in little chunks, like this, on a scrap of paper:
1500 words
100 600 1100
200 700 1200
300 800 1300
400 900 1400
500 1000 1500

Incredibly, there were days when I reached 1500 words by lunchtime! (A miracle for me.) So then I'd write out more increments of 100 and keep working. Several times I passed 2000 before my brain shut down, and once I even passed 2500!
So there they are, my two little strategies for upping my word count. I hope they work for you too!
So there they are, my two little strategies for upping my word count. I hope they work for you too!