I have no idea where my word count stands, I do know I'm over the halfway mark but I won't know my exact amount until I finish typing in all the longhand stuff I wrote while away. It was actually kind of nice to get away from the computer and write. At one point I was sitting in Starbucks with their computers not ten feet away and I could have easily gone over and gotten on one but I didn't. I sat with my pen and notepad and wrote. Hubby's laptop wouldn't let me open any of my file on the USB I'd brought with me so I'd started the longhand on the six hour bus ride from Singapore to Genting. It was actually quite liberating not looking at a word count every few seconds. I'm thinking of taking notepad and pen downstairs more often.
So how is everyone doing? Are your stories flowing or are you just hammering out words and hoping for the best? I'm writing out of order. I wrote a scene last night that comes at the end of DUC and one that comes somewhere in the middle of RHI. *sigh* I guess I'll be piecing them together. I'm not sure where these two stories will end up or what their word counts will be but because they cross over I'm classing them as one story for Nano. It's probably cheating but at this point I don't care because the words are coming and they're good.
Wow, what a gorgeous place!
And ugh, I'm sooo not looking forward to the heat. I function best below 27'C.
I love what longhand does to your writing. You get less distracted because it's just you and the words. You can't count anything other than pages, and even that gets lost in the flow.
If only the typing it back in wasn't so tedious...
Sounds like you're having a great time, RC.
Glad the old fashioned way of writing is working for you - I hate writing stuff on paper because I have to type it up later, but it has worked for me before.
Take care :-)
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