Saturday, June 5, 2010

Getting in the flow.

So by now you should have fought your way through the beginning of your story. Those first few words, paragraphs, pages or even chapters have rolled off your fingertips and popped up on the screen in front of you. *phew* Feels good doesn't it? What's that I hear you say? Not so good? Well you're not the only one feeling that way. While I've managed some great numbers this week and I've almost put to bed my second project of the challenge I'm not convinced anything I've written is any good. *sigh* Does it have the punch needed to knock my readers out? Or does its little fingers reach out and grab hold and not let go? I'm tempted, very tempted to go back and edit/polish, but if I'm going to get to that 50k mark by the end of the month I can't afford to go back. There is no reverse gear in my writing this month! No matter how much it nags me I'm doing nothing but moving forward, I'm putting my fingers in my ears and singing lalalalala every single time my internal editor opens her mouth.
It's hard. Very hard because I'm a writer that likes to edit/polish along the way (which pleases my editor very much once the wip hits the submission stage) but it takes time to do that and time this month is a precious thing. It's like gold or diamonds. Water to a thirsty man. Every tick counts and the aim is to make every tock count too. I've decided a reward system doesn't work for me. *sigh* I've never been one to go after a reward, I'm more the type that just likes to get things done, my reward has always been the end product. And now I have the published stories to prove to myself that THE END is indeed a wonderful thing. *grin*
So what do you use to keep you on the straight and narrow this month? I'd love to hear what works for you all, and what doesn't. lol
*May the Word Gods shine upon you*


AJ Blythe said...

Hey RC, I still swear by my 'eyes closed' method. I probably look a wee bit silly, but you can't edit what you can't see

AJ Blythe said...

Hey RC, I still swear by my 'eyes closed' method. I probably look a wee bit silly, but you can't edit what you can't see